Atlantic Highlands Art Council Show

Today, I dropped off my “Magritte in Dryer Lint” piece to the Atlantic Highlands Art Council for their show “Faces and Facades.”  The opening reception is next weekend (November 19) and the show runs through December 24th. I unfortunately won’t make the opening because I will be showing at Philcon, the Philadelphia Science Fiction convention.

After dropping it off, I then spent the day with my husband Michael, watching the seagulls and enjoying the ocean breeze with a nice view of New York City in the distance.

At the Pennsylvania State Museum

Some of you may be aware that I have been going through radiation treatments for breast cancer lately, so I’m way behind in my projects and in updating my web page.  I thank all of you who sent kind words.

In the meantime, I was thrilled to once again be accepted in the Pennsylvania State Museum’s “Art of the State” show in the capital, featuring the top 100 artists in Pennsylvania. This was my second year applying and my second year being accepted!


Here I am, turning in my artwork that was accepted for the “Art of the State” show at the Pennsylvania State Museum, which annually shows the best artwork from around the state. Thousands enter, and only a hundred get in. This is my second year for being accepted!


What I’ve been up to

Those of you who are patrons or friends on Facebook know that I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I have had one operation and radiation treatment is next. So I haven’t been as productive as I would have liked to have been.  I thank all of you who have sent me kind thoughts and words and who have joined my Patreon page in support. It means an awful lot to me, and it comforts me.  In any event, here are some pieces I have completed in the last few months. I hope you’ll enjoy them!

Ukranian Refugee

A Cold One After Work

Is It Here Yet?

Sir Aloysius P. Throttlebottom

The Clam Digger


My latest work!

“Professor Byrd Hopes for a Grant”

“Miss Anne Elk Reaches for the High Note”

“Y. I. Otter Photobombs Eleanor”