The Heidi Gallery

I was honored to be accepted into a show at The Heidi Gallery (that’s it’s name!) in Livingston, New Jersey. The show runs through December.


“Summer” at the Medford Arts Center

You can see my work at the Medford Arts Center in Medford, New Jersey from now till September 5th! Click here to hear me talk about it in a video!

My piece “The Doctor’s Tea Party” came in second, which was very nice! Here’s what the judge said about it: “This tells a story and I want to know more. It has a sensibility about it that pleases the eye. It carries colors nicely throughout, and the composition is pleasing. I like the flowers coming down, the glasses match the mouse, the browns are represented nicely and so are the greens. The focal point of the yellow bow just completes the composition.”

The opening was amazing. There was a huge storm that hit just before, felling trees and knocking out the power. People had to look at the art with the flashlights on their phones!

So I am currently showing here, at the New Hope Arts Center, at the Baum School of Art, at A Mano Gallery, and of course in many Ripley’s Believe it or Not Galleries around the world. In October, you’ll also find me at the Heidi Gallery in Livingston, New Jersey!

Be sure to join my Instagram page for twice-weekly demonstrations of my current work.

Here are some pictures from the opening!

New Hope Art Center Opening

I had a great time tonight at the New Hope Art Center’s opening of their latest show: Structures and Constructions in Fiber. It runs through August 18. My “da Vinci in Dryer Lint” piece got some nice attention there!  Click on a picture to enlarge it.

Women’s Expo 2024

I was honored that two local state representatives (Maureen Madden and Tarah Probst) invited me to be a part of their annual Women’s Expo in my hometown today!

What galleries want

I had a nice chat with Jim Evansiko who owns Gamut Gallery. If you’re an artist looking to get into galleries, you should watch this! We discuss what galleries are looking for, how to impress them, how to find the right one for you, and how to avoid scams.

An update

Heidi’s husband Michael here.

Those of you who are friends of Heidi’s on Facebook or follow her on Instagram know that a little over a month ago, she fell, dislocated her shoulder, and broke her upper arm. Because of the lymphedema she suffers in that arm, they could not put a cast on it, so they just have it restrained. This means her arm is all swollen from the lymphedema since she cannot get into her massaging machine to reduce the swelling, and she is in constant pain. She’s pretty much been bedridden for the past month, and is expected to continue to be that way for quite a while.

As a result, she has not been able to make any artwork at all.

She very much appreciates the cards and lint people have sent her, as well as those who have joined her Patreon page in support. Most of the packages that were sent to her (which obviously contain lint) have been unopened for now until she is better, but she hopes to send everyone thank you notes later. If you sent something and have not received one of her 2024 calendars, please email her and let her know. (And if you want one but are not one of her lint providers or Patreons, we can send it to you postage paid for $15 assuming you’re in the US.)

So thanks again. New artwork will be eventually coming, we promise!

The address to send things is Heidi Hooper, PO Box 333, Tannersville, Pennsylvania 18372.