Philcon 2019 and Beauty!

I will be at the Philcon convention the weekend of November 8th.

I’ll be doing a dryer lint demonstration Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m., and then at 2:00, I’ll be on a panel called “Art and Illustration for Profit” with other guests Ray Ridenour, Tess Kissinger, Mike McPhail, Luke Stelmaszek, and Stephanie Law. The description of the panel is: “Book covers? Magazine illustrations? Art shows? Commissions? Prints and posters? How does an artist make money in a genre art field?”

Philcon is an annual science fiction convention held in the Philadelphia area, where you can view great art, meet famous writers, artists, and editors, visit a great dealer’s room, and hang out with fellow nerds.

Also, here’s my latest work: Beauty!

October 26, 2019