My 2017 Mysticon Schedule

I will be a guest at the Mysticon convention in Roanoke next weekend (February 24 – 26). Here’s my schedule.

Costuming Under $20 (Friday 3:00 PM): Thinking on a budget and outside the box to create your new character.

Cosplay 201: Surviving the Masquerade (Friday 6:00 PM): This panel covers the “what’s next” questions about how to take your amazing cosplay to the next level. Come learn some tips and tricks to help you not just get through the masquerade, but be confident and successful at conveying excitement about your costume.

Oddball Costuming Supplies (Saturday 2:00 PM): Panelists discuss their favorite unusual costume materials, their most difficult, and why they need to work outside the box.

Costuming: Form, Function and Fantasy (Sunday 10:00 AM): Costume designers discuss the merits of costuming in different applications from comics, to movies, to video games and cosplay. What design choices are rooted in functionality and what just looks cool.

February 19, 2017