Arisia Schedule

Here’s my schedule for the Arisia convention coming up!


10:00: FINDING YOUR MUSE. We all dream of making a living doing what we love. How do you make your art profitable without losing your inspiration? Several artists who have managed it talk about choosing a direction that satisfies both needs.

11:30: JUDGING COSTUME CONTESTS. What makes a good judge? How involved is the process, and what are the expectations of the judge? And why does it take so darn long? Our panelists will discuss what goes on in the judging process, the difference between presentation and workmanship, and why skill categories exist, in addition to offering their advice on how to prepare yourself to be judged…or be a judge yourself.

2:30: BRAIN HACKS FOR ARTISTIC EFFECT. The brain works in mysterious ways. If you understand how it accomplishes some of those things, you can create unexpected and sometimes astonishing experiences for your audience. Come to this panel to learn about some of the more commonly used tricks and how you might use them in your art.

7:00: MANUFACTURING CREATIVITY. What do you do when you’re out of ideas? There are proven techniques for keeping the creative process flowing and generating new ideas. The panel and audience will discuss what gets their creative juices flowing and how to get around that block.

8:30: MATERIALS SAFETY. Artists are exposed to some pretty toxic substances: heavy metals, volatile carcinogens, and nasty particulates. In addition, there are bad ergonomics and other unhealthy conditions to contend with. How can an artists stay healthy? If you have a disability, are there special considerations for handling hazardous materials?


8:30: STUFF FOR FREE. Dumpster diving has a long and glorious history, and Freecycle can yield some interesting goodies if you are patient enough. We’ll discuss how to turn one person’s trash into your treasure without getting into trouble, and maybe tell a few tales of epic loot drops.

December 29, 2016