Heidi Hooper Resume

Heidi’s bio


Massachusetts College of Art, Boston Massachusetts
Masters program in Metalsmithing, 1991

Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond Virginia
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sculpture, 1981


Heidi Hooper, Tannersville, Pennsylvania
November 1993 – present
I design and promote my own line of art

Monroe County Arts Council, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
June 2000 – June 2002
I taught courses in polymer clay sculpting

Brookline Arts Center, Brookline, Massachusetts
May 1987 – March 1993
I taught courses in basic and advanced metalsmithing, jewelry making, and repair

Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, Massachusetts
September 1990 – May 1991
I taught introductory metalsmithing courses to undergraduates

Jewish Community Center, Newton, Massachusetts
January – May 1991
I taught a course in basic metalsmithing


A Mano Gallery, Lambertville, NJ
Anderson Gallery, Richmond, VA
Artful Hand Galleries, Boston, MA
Artisan’s Square, Scranton, PA
Artists and Company, Wellesley, MA
Arti-Zan Galleries, Cambridge, MA
Arts Afire Gallery, Alexandria, VA
ArtSpace, Stroudsburg, PA
Atlantic Highlands Art Council, Atlantic Highlands, NJ
Baak Galleries, Cambridge, MA
Baum School of Art, Allentown, PA
Beadazzle, Wellesley, MA
Beyond Beadery, Woodstock, NY
Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Brookline Arts Center, Brookline, MA
Cary Windsor Gallery, Richmond, VA
Community Gallery, Penn State Lehigh, Allentown, PA
Davenport Gallery, Wayne, PA
Designer Crafts, Stroudsburg, PA
DM Studios, Marshalls Creek, PA
Emerge Gallery, Saugerties, NY
Flying Shuttle, Seattle, WA
Foxglove Gallery, Stroudsburg, PA
Gallery at Craft Alliance, St. Louis, MO
Gallery 54, New York, NY
Gallery 114, Portland, OR
Gallery 175, Pawtucket, RI
Gamut Gallery, Stroudsburg, PA
Goldsmith, Boston, MA
Hammond Gallery, Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg, MA
Heidi Gallery, Livingston, NJ
Las Laguna Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
Limehouse Art Foundation, London, England
The Living Room, Stroudsburg, PA
LoMa Galleries, Stroudsburg, PA
Madeline Powers Gallery, East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA
Medford Art Center, Medford, NJ
New Hope Art Center, New Hope, PA
Pennsylvania State Museum, Harrisburg, PA
Peters Valley School of Craft Gallery, Layton, NJ
Ripley’s Believe it or Not Museums, Various places around the world
Shawnee Inn Gallery, Shawnee-on-Delaware, PA
Soho in the Burg, Stroudsburg, PA
Star Galleries, Newton, MA
State of the Art Gallery, Ithaca, NY
Sundance Creations, Sugarloaf, NY
The Valentine Museum, Richmond, VA
Workhouse Arts Center, Lorton, VA


Honorable Mention Award, “John Owlver”, State of the Art Gallery, Ithaca, NY, December 2024
Second Place, “The Doctor’s Tea Party”, Medford Art Center, Medford, NJ, August 2024
Second Place, “Batgirl”, Pocono Arts Council Membership Show, Stroudsburg, PA, May 2019
Best Recycled Art Award, Philcon Science Fiction Convention, Philadelphia, PA, November 2018
Judge’s Choice Award, “Abbey Road”, Philcon Science Fiction Convention, Philadelphia, PA, November 2017
Monroe County Image Award, Community Arts, Stroudsburg, PA, November 2017
Special Artist Guest, Heliosphere, Tarrytown, NY, March 2017
Best Fiber, “Magritte in Dryer Lint,” Niche Magazine Award, Philadelphia, PA, February 2017
Best Craft, Body of Work, Philcon, Philadelphia, PA, November 2016
Artist Guest of Honor, Albacon, Albany, NY, March 2016
Third Place, Mixed Media, “Cat Lover”, 33rd Annual Carbon County Art League Show, June 2014
Judge’s Choice Award, “Dali in Dryer Lint”, Lunacon Science Fiction Convention, New York, NY, March 2014
Best Recycled Art, “Andy Warhol in Dryer Lint”, Niche Magazine Award, Philadelphia, PA, January 2014

Heidi being interviewed by the media at a recent show

Heidi being interviewed by the media at a recent show